What is Routes for Learning?

What is Routes for Learning and how do I use it?

Routes for Learning is an assessment tool (Road Map) produced in Wales which focuses on early communication, social interaction and the cognitive skills for learners with profound learning difficulties and additional disabilities. More information can be found on the Complex Needs Website.

The RFL is a lateral framework and users plan the pupils learning by selecting or creating a path using the RFL feature in SOLAR.

Whilst this is a framework it should only be used with the RFL feature in SOLAR and not through the normal assessment screen.

RFL can be added to you SOLAR the same way as adding any other assessment framework and also must be allocated to the class. However unlike other frameworks you cannot add, remove, re-order or re-word any of the statements or the Route Map will not work.

RFL can be set for between 1 and 6 stars and the RFL feature allows assessment to be added via star cards.

To add assessment into the Route Map you would click on any star in a lozenge and this will open a star card that data can be entered into the same way as any other framework on your SOLAR.