How do I set up an intervention for my pupil?

Setting up extra support for your pupil.

This is a feature that was requested by one of our schools in Birmingham to identify whether a pupil requires additional support and for that to be displayed on the assessment screen and be able to run reports on the intervention.

At the top of the assessment page for each pupil there a button called Support Pupil

Once you have clicked Support Pupil you will see the following:

All pupils begin with the star in the centre i.e. On Track

If you feel that your pupil requires light intervention for example extra support in class you would slide the star 1 place to the left (light intervention):

If a student requires a higher level of support for example one to one support you would move the star 2 places to the left (deep intervention)

If for example the support would include setting extra homework you would slide the star one place to the right.(extra tasks)

If the pupil for example needs to be put into a different class then you would move the star two places to the right.

One you have set your star you can then add your notes into the notes field and click save.

Your note will then display on the assessment page:

Once you have set up your interventions you can then use the Interventions Report to review your pupils by intervention.

Go to next article Interventions Report.