What does the colour coding on SOLAR mean?

Colour Coding

Pupils names on the assessment screen change colour depending on how well they are doing against their target to allow you to see at a glance whether your pupil is below target, on target or above target.

When the colour changes will depend on the percentages your administrator has used. The default percentages when the colours change on SOLAR are 10% and SOLAR will display assessment progress as follows: -

BLUE means that they are 10% or more above target
GREEN up to 10% above target
AMBER up to 10% below target
RED 10% or more below target

These percentages may vary depending on the percentages your administrator has used. If targets have not been set they will display in WHITE.

You may wish to ask your SOLAR Administrator what thresholds have been set on your SOLAR.

Go to next article Setting Targets for a single pupil