How do I add a Behaviour Incident on SOLAR?

Adding a Behaviour Incident.

Click BEHAVIOUR on the left-hand menu of the assessment screen.

SOLAR takes you to the Behaviour Module.  

From here you will see a list of the Incidents that have already been entered in SOLAR.

Incidents are displayed in “Date Added” order with the most recent at the top and you have the option to re-order them by clicking the column header.

In the example below they have been sorted by incident number. Incidents which have been deleted are no longer displayed.

Note: You will only be able to see the Behaviour Incidents that form part of your user profile.

To add a new incident click Add Incident

You are presented with the following screen: -

Note: when adding a new incident in SOLAR all the fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

  • Pupil - Click to see a list of pupils and select the pupil that you require.  You can also start typing the name of the pupil that you require and select the one you want from the new list of names displayed.
  • Other Pupils - Click to see a list of pupils and select the pupil that you require.  You can also start typing the name of the pupil that you require and select the one you want from the new list of names displayed. You can add as many pupils as you require.  Please note: the incident report uses the pupil field to filter and report on incidents.
  • Teachers Involved - Click to see a list of teachers and select the teacher that you require.  You can also start typing the name of the teacher that you require and select the one you want from the new list of names displayed.
  • Overview* Time* Location* Severity*

Click to see a list of the options available and select the one that you require from the drop-down list. You can also start typing the name of the one that you require and select this from the new list displayed. Note: If the option that you require is not displayed please see below for more information.

  • Details -  Add details of the incident (text box).
  • Action -  Add the action that you took.
  • Body Map -  If there was any injury to the pupil click “Body Map”.  A body map will be displayed.  Click on the front/back of the body map to mark where any injury occurred.
  • Physical Intervention -  Click to see a list of the options available and select the one that you require from the drop-down list. You can also start typing the name of the one that you require and select this from the new list displayed. Note: If the option that you require is not displayed please see below for more information.
  • Behaviour Plan -  If there is a behaviour plan in place tick the check box. A text box will display below for you to enter more information.
  • E-Mail Summary -  If you enter an e-mail address in this field as soon as you click “Save” SOLAR will immediately e-mail a copy of the incident to the recipient.  You can add as many e-mail addresses as you like in this field just add a comma between each one.
  • Parents Informed - If you have advised the parents of the incident make a note of this in this box.  We recommend that you put as much detail as possible e.g. date, time, who you spoke to etc.
  • Safeguarding Incident - If you check this box only the person who entered the incident and any users who have access to Safeguarding in their User Profile will be able to see/access this incident.

Click: -

Go to next article Editing a Behaviour Incident.