How do I view, print or email a Behaviour Incident in SOLAR?

Viewing, Printing or E-Mailing a Behaviour Incident

Click BEHAVIOUR on the left-hand menu of the assessment screen.

SOLAR takes you to the Behaviour module.  

From here you can see a list of the Behaviour Incidents that have already been entered in SOLAR. 

Click the “Show” button next to the Behaviour Incident that you want to view, print or e-mail.

The top of the report displays the SOLAR logo and your school’s logo (if it has been uploaded into SOLAR by your SOLAR Administrator). Details of the incident are displayed.

The bottom displays the name of the person who produced the file together with the date and time that the file was generated.

At the top of the page you can enter an email address in the “Email To” field and click go to send this file directly to a recipient.

At the top of the page you can enter an email address in the “Email To” field and click “Go” to send this file directly to a recipient.

You can click the Print/PDF link save the file as a PDF file by amending the drop-down on print screen to save as PDF.

You can send the file directly to your printer by clicking the Print/PDF button and selecting your printer from the drop-down.

You can change the Text Size on screen by clicking either the +increase or – decrease button.

Go to next article Deleting an Incident.