How do I change the number of years in key stage 5 from 2 to 3?

Changing the number of years in Key Stage 5 from 2 to 3

SOLAR uses the Department for Education recognised key stages. However, we are aware that some schools use key stage 5 for 3 years rather than the standard 2.

So that these schools can use the target/progression feature on SOLAR for 3 years rather than 2 we have added 2 settings in SOLAR which allow schools to make this change.

To make this change:

1. Go to Admin>Settings>Assessment and switch on 'Move Year 14 from Key Stage 6 to Key Stage 5' and click save changes.

2. Go to Admin>Lists>Year Groups and click 'edit' beside Year 14

3. Now select Key Stage 5 from the dropdown menu and click save.