How do I add a new pupil onto SOLAR?

Adding a New Pupil
To add a new pupil click Add Pupil: -

You are presented with the following screen: -

Note- the pupil photo is an on/off feature for schools.  This will only display of this has been turned on in Settings (See Settings article). 

Complete the form by entering the pupil’s first name, last name, date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY), selecting their gender, year group, key stage, class, and ethnicity from the drop-down lists.  If the class, year group or key stage do not exist these will need to be added in Admin>Lists (See Lists article). Enter the pupil’s UPN and if required select the button next to “looked after” and/or “free school meals”. 

Note – All pupils on SOLAR must have a UPN and the UPN must be unique.  If you do not have a UPN for a pupil you must enter a dummy number i.e. A00001, A00002 etc.
Select any disabilities and learning needs by checking the relevant boxes. See example below: -

If the disability or Learning Needs do not exist these will need to be added in Admin>Lists (See Lists article).
If required select the button next to “pupil premium” and “spiky profile”.