What should I do if a pupil leaves the school?

Archiving Pupils

When a pupil leaves your school and/or moves to another school you should “Archive” their data.  This means that their SOLAR academic record will be removed from Current Pupils and moved to Archived Pupils.

Their data is not deleted from the system it is always there and you can, if required, bring them back into your “Current” pupils. When you run reports on SOLAR their data will no longer be included unless you tick the box in reports to “include archived pupils”.
This function can also be used if you have a pupil who is going to be out of school for a prolonged period, such as a stay in hospital, who is therefore not making any progress. Their lack of progress will affect your progress data results. When they come back to school after their absence you can restore their record.

Archive a Pupil 

In “List Current Pupils” click the down triangle to the right of the edit button: -

Click on archive and SOLAR will ask you: -

Click OK to archive their record or cancel.
Now when you go into “List Current Pupils” you will no longer see their record.
You can also “Archive” a pupil in “Edit Pupil” by clicking “Archive” at the bottom of the page.