Why do I get an error message when I click on the IEP icon?

Receiving an error message when clicking on the IEP icon

We have made some enhancements to SOLAR to improve the way the software works and complete additional data checks for where schools may have missing, incomplete or incorrect data.

On SOLAR each pupil must be in a tutor group and where this is not the case will generate errors.

1.If you receive the one of the above error messages when clicking on the IEP icon then it may be one of the following problems that are causing the issue:1. Your pupils have no tutor group (To check this go to admin>pupils

2. Some of your pupils are only allocated to Teaching Groups rather than a Tutor Group

Go to Admin>Lists>Classes>Edit and you can see which are tutor groups and which are teaching groups

You can move your pupils into the correct Tutor Group in Admin>Pupils>Edit and then selecting the correct tutor group from the drop-down list.

Don't forget to click save.