Streaming Examples

Streaming Example 1

All of the subjects in WS P Steps go from P1(i) to P18 except Lower PMLD which goes from P1(i) to P3(ii).

All the statements in each subject are the same in levels P1(i) to P3(ii)

Where schools have pupils who are working below level P4 in all subjects they can use streaming so that they do not need to complete the statements in more than one subject.

The way streaming works is that SOLAR will only allow access to Lower PMLD until level P3(ii) has been completed.  Once this is the case the other subjects will then appear.

P1(i) to P3(ii) are generic statements and therefore pupils would not be working in higher levels in any other subject until these have been completed.

If you have pupils that are working at the higher levels and you have streaming turned on you would need to baseline Lower PMLD at P3(ii) and then baseline the other subjects as appropriate.

Streaming Example 2

Where you have a framework that has different levels in different subjects you can stream from one to the other e.g. Generic goes from S1(i) to S3(ii), English Listening goes from S4 to S8 and then English Speaking and Listening goes from S9 to S16.

The higher-level subjects will not appear until the previous subject at the highest level has been completed, i.e. English Listening will only appear when Generic has been completed and English Speaking and Listening will only appear then English Listening has been completed.

Where streaming has not been used the subjects will appear.

Target Setting using Streaming

Where schools are using streaming targets can still be set normally using the progression feature on SOLAR.  Where pupils are currently working on Generic you can set a target for English Listening, but this will show with no progress until generic has been completed and they are making progress in English Listening.  Therefore, you may wish to also set a target in Generic.