How do I format an assessment framework in Excel so that it can be uploaded onto SOLAR?

How to create an assessment framework in a spreadsheet for SOLAR

SOLAR allows schools to create their own assessment frameworks in Excel format which the support team can then load onto their SOLAR. The framework must be in the correct format. 

Assessment Frameworks are loaded onto SOLAR free of charge. However, if a framework is loaded and the data sent in by the customer is incorrect there may be a charge to remove the incorrect framework and load the new version.

It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that the file is in the correct format and spell check the document and ensure that the spelling in each column is consistent. For example, if  English is a subject in the framework and is spelt both English and english this will create 2 subjects on SOLAR. SOLAR also sees spaces as characters therefore if there is an additional space this will also create an additional entry e.g. L1 and L 1 would create 2 different levels.

Assessment Frameworks are loaded onto SOLAR free of charge. However, if a framework is loaded and the data sent in by the customer is incorrect, there may be a charge to remove the incorrect framework and load the new version.

If you download any assessment framework from SOLAR into Excel it is downloaded in the format required. Each framework must be on a separate spreadsheet and all subjects must be on sheet one and not on separate tabs within the spreadsheet.

Your spreadsheet must have the following headings and only these 5 columns. 

A = Assessment Framework

B = Subject

C = Level

D = Statements

E = Details

Column A contains the name of the Assessment Framework and must be the same throughout.

Column B contains the subject names.

Column C contains the Level

Column D contains the statement.

In column E (Details) you can add any additional information that may help the teacher figure out what the pupil needs to do to meet the statement.

Note: SOLAR also sees spaces as characters therefore if there is an additional space this will also create an additional entry e.g. L1 and L 1 would create 2 different levels.

Reminder: It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that the file is in the correct format to spell check the document and to ensure that the spelling in each column is consistent. For example, if  English is a subject in the framework and is spelt both English and english this will create 2 subjects on SOLAR.