Why am I getting a pupil's not in classes error message in the IEP section?

IEP Error Message

We have made some enhancements to SOLAR to improve the way the software works and complete additional data checks for where schools may have missing, incomplete or incorrect data. On SOLAR each pupil must be in a tutor group and where this is not the case will generate errors in the IEP.

On SOLAR all pupils must be in a Tutor Group and this is associated with their pupil record (Admin>Pupils). They can, however, be in as many teaching/ad-hoc groups as you like and for these they are added in Admin>Lists>Classes

If you are receiving this error it is most likely that the pupil has been put in Teaching Group rather than a Tutor Group. It is likely that when the new Tutor Group was created in Admin>Lists>Classes the person who created this selected Teaching Group rather than Tutor Group. If this is the case you can change this by going to Admin>Lists>Classes and clicking edit beside the class name and changing the Group Type in the drop-down box. Don't forget to click save.

You will then be able to access the IEP feature without receiving an error message.