What ouputs can be generated using the Achievement Report?

Numerical Output to excel.

We often get requests from school's who want their data to output into different sorts of graphs or charts.

We have added an enhancement to SOLAR where even when using a framework with P-levels you can tell SOLAR to output numerically by selecting 'Progress in Decimal'.  This works for the Achievement and Performance Reports.

Once the data has exported to excel numerically all you need to do is highlight your data and select which chart you would like.

In the example below I selected a cluster chart.

In the example below I selected a cluster chart.

Include Year Start Levels 

When this option is selected the report will show where each pupil was at the beginning of the academic year.

Include Targets

When this option is selected the report will display the targets for all pupils that have targets set.

Group by Pupils

When this option is selected the report output will display all subjects a pupil has allocated and then move on to the next pupil in the selection alphabetically.

Output Selection

The Achievement Report can be viewed On-Screen, exported to pdf or exported to excel.