A Message to our Customers, Employees, and Community on COVID-19

We know hundreds of schools around the country depend on SOLAR, and we take this responsibility seriously. As we work as a community to prepare for the impact of COVID-19, we wanted to share how SOLAR is addressing the current situation. The health and safety of our employees, customers, and communities are our primary concern. There are a number of measures we are taking to ensure we manage to safely get through this fluid situation while continuing to serve our customers, partners, and employees effectively.

For our customers, SOLAR is maintaining our services and our products are fully operational - it’s business as usual (albeit far from usual circumstances). We understand that just because schools close to learners today that does not mean that educators will rely on SOLAR any less.

With our systems operating as expected, we have taken the following steps to protect the health and wellbeing of our employees and schools:

  • All employees are working remotely. Work-related travel and event attendance has been suspended or postponed.
  • All of our demos, training and ad-hoc support is now fully online making easier for our customers to join even if working from home or self isolating.
  • We continue to monitor recommendations from the Government and NHS so we remain up-to-date on the latest information and safety protocols.

Our Help Desk and Telephone lines will continue to be available during their standard hours and through the normal channels. Our Help Desk can be reached at  We will ensure that all messages are seen and routed to someone who can help with no effect on our response times.

These are challenging and uncertain times, but we feel confident that as a company and community, we can get through this together.