What is the Engagement Levels form on SOLAR and how do I use it?

The engagement model is an assessment tool to help schools support pupils who are working below the level of the national curriculum and not engaged in subject-specific study. The engagement model was adapted from the 7 aspects of engagement, which was devised by Professor Barry Carpenter in the DfE-funded Complex Learning Disabilities and Difficulties project in 20111. The engagement model was developed with the support of an expert group involving members of the Rochford Review and using the evidence from an evaluation of the 7 aspects carried out in 2018. 

The model recognises that engagement is multi-dimensional and breaks it down into 5 areas that allow teachers to assess: 

• how well their pupils are being engaged in developing new skills, knowledge and concepts in the school’s curriculum 

• how effective the special educational provision is in empowering their pupils to progress against the agreed outcomes in their EHC plans and how effectively pupils are engaging with and making progress against these plans 

• pupils’ achievements and progress across the 4 areas of need of the SEND code of practice (communication and interaction, cognition and learning, social, emotional and mental health difficulties, and sensory and/or physical needs) The engagement model: 

• is a unique method of observation, allowing insight that improves provision for all pupils

• uses a pupil-centred approach that focuses on their abilities rather than disabilities 

• values all sources of knowledge and information provided by those working with the pupil, including teachers, school staff, other professionals and parents or carers 

• promotes consistency and a common language amongst schools and all those working with the pupil 

• recognises there is a complex interaction between pupils’ physical, sensory, communication and learning disabilities that affects how they progress 
