How do I change a number of stars back in uncomplete?

Changing Stars To Back To Uncomplete

If you have a pupil that has regressed or you have simply selected the wrong stars we have now added a function where your can quickly change completed stars back to uncompleted.

Please rest assured that using this feature will not remove any evidence.

To use this function click on any completed stars using the right button on your mouse and a box will appear that says 'Refresh page after Uncompletes' if you are happy with your selection press the 'Refresh page after Uncompletes'.

If you have changed your mind about any of the stars you have selected click the right button once more and the star will return to completed. Please note this must be done before clicking 'Refresh page after Uncompletes'

***Please note***

This function forms part of your user profile and will not work unless turned on in admin>permissions.