What does the Zones Report show?

Zones Report

Before you can use the Zones Matrix Report you must firstly set up your Zones. To view a webinar showing how to do this please click here

Once you have set up your Zones you can use the Zones Report to give you the average of the pupils progress across the selected zone as well as averaging the pupils targets.

E.g. I have created a Science Zone which contains Biology, Chemistry, Enquiry and Physics. The report will then give me the figures for all science subjects combined.

The zones data shows the average progress and target in a zone for each pupil.


For a pupil Braxton Mann     Class Zone 3                Summer term 2020/21

Progress and Targets for a Zone Called WS English consisting of 3 subjects

WS P Steps | Literacy – Communication, Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation      Progress P7 + 34% | Target: P7 + 42%

WS P Steps | Literacy – Reading                                                                                  Progress P10 + 40% | Target: P10 + 30%

WS P Steps | Literacy – Writing                                                                                    Progress P5 + 19% | Target: P5 + 26%

Zone Output                                                                                                                 Progress P7 + 58% | Target P7 + 59% 

The threshold is taken into account in the calculations

The calculations convert our pseudo-decimal (d below) into and from real decimal (b below) to do averaging on the latter:

b = d - int(d) * (1 - t/100)

d = b + int(100 * b/t) * (1 - t/100)

Where t is the threshold.