How do I bulk update my pupil data?

If you have a large number of pupils that have changed tutor groups or many new starters joining the school then the fastest way to update this is a bulk update.

From the assessment, screen click on Reporting 

Scroll down the page and under the heading Pupil Information Reports select Pupil Report

Choose All Pupils then click Next

Select All Data and Excel Download then click Generate Report

Open the excel file and update Column M Tutor Group with the pupil's new classes.

Add any new pupils that have joined the school at the bottom of the file following the exact format used for your current pupils.

Password protect the file and send to and send the password in a separate message.


           Columns/data must be in the same order.

           You can only have 1 line per pupil

           All columns must be completed with the exception of Disability, Learning Need and Ethnicity which can be left blank. However, we recommend that you provide 1 disability and 1 learning need (Note these                 can be added manually later)  

           Every pupil must have a unique UPN.  Please do not duplicate UPN’s or leave any entries blank.  If you do not have a UPN for a pupil please enter a dummy number i.e. A00001, A0002 etc.  This can be                     changed later. If you do not use UPNs please add dummy UPNs 

           Dates must be in the correct format (DD/MM/YYYY)

           Key Stage should read Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2 etc not just be a number

           Year Group should read Year R, Year 1, Year 2 etc not just be a number  

           Gender should read Male or Female not F or M  

           You can add more than 1 entry for disability and learning need.  If there is more than one entry this must be separated by a comma.  

           Free School Meals, Pupil Premium and Looked After should be Yes or No. If you do not have/hold this data please use No  

           Every pupil must be in a tutor group.  

You can then archive pupils that have left the school in Admin>Pupils