How do I view the Audit List?

Searching the Audit List

Every time a user logs in to SOLAR and either views or edits a record this is recorded in the SOLAR Audit Trail.
You can access the Audit List by clicking the Admin button

Then click on the Audit button from the menu on the left of the screen

The Audit List will then populate on the screen and you are able to see the actions completed by each Staff Member, by Date Range, User Group, Action Completed or Pupil
Once you have filtered by your selection you can then re-order the description or date display by clicking on the arrows at the side of the heading.

If a pupil or user has been archived and deleted from your SOLAR they will show as Uknown in the Audit Trail.

If a User has been archived and then deleted from your SOLAR they will display as User Deleted in the Audit Trail.