How do I set up new users on my SOLAR?


Note – Classes are attached to Users (see SOLAR Fundamentals articles ) and assessment frameworks are attached to classes. 
To access Users click on the USERS icon: -

You will be taken to the List Users screen: -

Add User

Note – it is highly recommended that each user of SOLAR has their own individual access to SOLAR.

To add a new User click Add User: -

You are presented with the following screen: -Fill in the users first name, last name, e-mail address and select their User group using the drop-down option (See Permissions article). 

Next select the class/classes that you want to give them access to. Note if you select the “Toggle All” box the system will select all classes for you. 

Please note – we recommend that you only give Users access to the classes that they teach and NOT to all classes unless necessary. 

If they are a behaviour administrator and you select this option every time a behaviour incident is added to SOLAR they will receive an e-mail advising them 

If they are an administrator you have the option to add them to the list to receive SOLAR newsletters when they are issued.

Next if there are any individual pupils which are not in the classes that you have selected you can add these by typing the first 3 letters of their name in the “Choose by Name” box. You will be presented with a list of pupils to select from. You can add as many additional pupils as required. 

You can remove a pupil by clicking on the x at the left-hand side of their name.

When you have finished click SAVE.

Edit User

To edit a User’s details or access to SOLAR click the Edit button on the right-hand side of their name: -


You are then presented with the same screen as in Add Teacher. If they have a password set you will see a string of dots in the password field. This is their password encrypted and the number of dots does not correlate to the number of characters in the password. 

You can now edit the Users first name, last name or e-mail address, change their user group, add or remove classes and/or pupils and change the behaviour administrator or newsletter options.
When you have made your changes click the SAVE button. 

When a class has been added to a teacher that has an assessment framework allocated to it, within the edit teacher option you can set a default assessment framework i.e. the one that will automatically be shown at the top of the list when a teacher logs into to their assessment.

Archive User

When a User leaves the school, you should remove their access to SOLAR and you do this by selecting the down triangle to the right of edit: -

You will be asked: -
Click OK to archive the teacher’s record or Cancel.

Restore a User

If a User returns to school you can restore there login by going to List Archived Users

Click Restore in the right-hand column and you will get an Action Successful message.


If you now go to List Users you will see that they are now in the List of current users.  If necessary they need to use the Forgotten your password link to re-set their password.

Delete a User

In line with GDPR you have the option to permanently delete a User you’re your system.

Go to List Archived Users and select the Delete option on the right-hand side of the screen

Note – if you use this option you/we will not be able to restore the User.