How to I give access to the different features on SOLAR to my user groups?


The specific areas of SOLAR which a user has access to and whether they can update or just view is set in PERMISSIONS by allocating users to a USER GROUP.  You can have as many USER GROUPS as you want in SOLAR.  This means that you can set up Administrators who have access to everything, Administrators who can just administrate certain areas of SOLAR, Teachers who can access assessment only, Teachers who can access assessment and progression etc.  You can set up a USER GROUP for Parents so that they can view their child’s progress or a USER GROUP for Governors who can only run reports.  The choice is limitless.

To access PERMISSIONS, click on the PERMISSIONS icon: -

This bring you into the List User Group Section where you will see the USER GROUPS that have already been set up on your SOLAR.
You can add a new USER GROUP, Edit a USER GROUP or Delete a USER GROUP: -

Add a User Group

To add a new USER GROUP, click on Add User Group: -

You will be presented with the following screen (Note - there are many more options within Add User Group and the screen shot below shows just a sample of what is available): -

Give the USER GROUP a name, select each of the options that you want the USER GROUP to have access to by clicking on the box next to the option (a tick appears to show that you have selected it) and click SAVE at the bottom of the page. 

You can now add a teacher/user to this USER GROUP (See Users article).

 Amend a User Group

Select List User Groups and click the Edit button at the side of the User Group that you wish to edit.

Select or de-select the current USER GROUP options and then click SAVE at the bottom of the page.

Delete a User Group 

 Select List User Groups and click the small triangle next to Edit at the side of the User Group that you wish to delete: -


This brings up the Delete option: -

When you select the Delete option you will get a system message.  Note SOLAR will give you the option of moving any staff in the USER GROUP that you are deleting into a new USER GROUP. Click the small triangle on the right to select which USER GROUP you want to move them to and then click Save and Delete.
SOLAR also gives you the option of Just Delete. You must use this option with great care as if you have any Users in this USER GROUP they will no longer have access to the functions in SOLAR. 

Note 1 - It is recommended that you only use the Just Delete option if you are absolutely sure that it is not allocated to any of your teachers/users.  

Note 2 – Do NOT delete the Management user group which was created when your SOLAR was first setup. This user group should have all options ticked.  If you want a User Group that has limited access to management functions, then please create a new user group for this purpose.

Note: You can amend a teacher’s USER GROUP in Users