How do I add a custom field onto my SOLAR?

 Custom Fields

In SOLAR you can additional fields for local use and you can add additional fields in: -


The way in which you add, edit or remove a custom field is the same in whichever option you choose.

Add a Custom Field 

Click on the custom field category in which you want to add the custom field e.g. Pupils: -

Click: -

There are six types of Custom Fields.  You can have a text box, text area, dropdown, dropdown multiple, an image or a checkbox: -

Text Box

This provides a text box which shows 1 line of text on screen. 

Enter the name of the custom field and a description (this can be left blank if you wish). 

Select where you want the custom field placed by clicking on the drop-down arrow by selecting either below the initial fields or bottom of the screen and click Save. 

This custom field will now be displayed on every pupil’s record and you can now populate this with any information or data required. 

 Text Area 

This provides an area for entering text which shows multiple lines on screen. 

Enter the name of the custom field and a description (this can be left blank if you wish). 

Select where you want the custom field placed by clicking on the drop-down arrow by selecting either below the initial fields or bottom of the screen and click Save. 

This custom field will now be displayed on every pupil’s record and you can now populate this with any information or data required.


If you select “dropdown” as your chosen field type, you get an additional category of Options.  You should enter your selected values in the Options Box.   

Please note SOLAR will default to the first value in the list and so if you are having a Yes/No option it is recommended that you should have the first value in the list as No: - 

If you are entering other values, we recommend leaving the first value as a blank: -

Dropdown (multiple) 

You set this up the same way a dropdown above but the user will then have the option to select more than 1 item from the list displayed.


Image gives you the option to add a photograph.


Checkbox gives you the option to add a checkbox selection.  Please see example below: -

Please note: Once you have saved your custom field the field type cannot be changed.

Edit a Custom Field 

To edit a custom field, click on the edit button on the right-hand side of the page:-

Make your changes and click Save. 

Note: You cannot edit the field type.  If you want to change this then you will need to create a new custom field.

 Delete a Custom Field

Click on the small down arrow to the right of the edit button and you are presented with a delete button: -

You will get the following message: -

If you click OK SOLAR will delete the custom field and any associated values.

***Please not that custom fields cannot be given the same name as the standard fields already on SOLAR***