How do I update my pupil data?

Updating pupil data

There are 2 ways of updating your pupils on SOLAR.

  1. Go to Admin>Pupils and manually change them using the edit button.  If the class is a new one you will need to set this up first in Admin>Lists>Classes>Add Class and select TUTOR group in Group Type.

2.  You can run the Pupil report in Reporting for all pupils and download into Excel.  You can then update the spreadsheet with the new classes and add any new pupils etc.  If you then send back to we will upload for you.  

You will need to manually archive any pupils that have left the school please here for more information.

PLEASE NOTE – do NOT remove or move any of the columns or add any new ones as we will not be able to upload your data if you do so.  Dates etc must be in the same format and every pupil must have a different UPN.