What does the Achievement Report show?

Achievement Report

The Achievement Report has now been updated so that within the report options you can now select multiple assessment frameworks. You can also now choose to have the report emailed to you. The reason we have added the email option is that if you choose lots of frameworks the report could take some time to generate due to a large amount of data. This way you can continue to work on SOLAR until your report arrives.

Once you have selected the pupils, assessment frameworks and academic years/years for which you want to generate the report for you can then select staff members to email the report to from the 'Email Summary To' drop-down list. If you wish to email the report to someone who is not on SOLAR, for example, a parent then simply type their email address in th'User Specified' box.

The achievement report shows the pupils level at the end of each term. If targets have been set in the on screen view there is a coloured line under each level showing how they are doing against their target and in the excel view the text is shown in the colour relating to how they are doing against their targets.

The Achievement Report can be viewed on screen, exported to pdf or exported to excel.

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