What does the Performance Report show?

Performance Report

This shows by subject, the pupils year start and what percentage progress they have made each term. If targets have been set, in the on screen view there is a coloured line under each term showing how they are doing against their target and in the excel view the text is shown in the colour relating to how they are doing against their targets.

Multiple academic years can also be selected.

To clarify what is in the average column - If you add up the progress for the terms for each of the years you have selected in the report i.e. if you have selected 3 years then this will be for the 9 terms, then divide the total progress by the number of terms. This gives the average.

If you select only 1 year then SOLAR only calculates using the 3 terms in that year.

The Performance Report can be viewed on screen, exported to pdf or exported to excel.

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