How do I set targets for the next academic year?

From 1st June you are able to set your pupil's targets for the next academic year.

Step 1: Add your term dates

It's very important that term dates are added correctly.

1. Go to Admin>Lists>Terms and click 'Add Term' and add the term name.

Terms need to be added sequentially so the first term would be 'Autumn Term'.

Note: Terms must contain the word 'Term' so cannot just be Autumn, Spring, Summer. If your school uses 6 terms then these should be named Autumn Term 1, Autumn Term 2 etc.

2. Choose the correct academic year from the drop-down list

3. Click into the 'Start Date' box and change the year if necessary by clicking on the Month Header

Then use the direction arrows to change the year.

Then select the correct month and date.

Repeat these steps for the term end date.

Important. Term dates cannot overlap or end and then start on the same date.

Step 2: Amend your target settings

  1. Click the Admin cog to access the administrator menu.

  1. Click on the Settings icon.

  1. Click on Targets

  1. Switch on Future Targets

  1. Click Save Changes

Step 3: Set your targets

  1. On the assessment screen click

  1. The targets page will now default to the next academic year

  1. You can now set targets for a single pupil for multiple subjects

  1. Or set targets for a class by selecting a subject