How do I set targets for a class?

Setting Targets for a Class of Pupils in a Single Subject from the Assessment Screen

On the Assessment Screen go to the Assessment Framework and Class for which you want to set targets. It does not matter which subject you choose.

On the right-hand side of the screen click Set Targets.  

SOLAR defaults to All Subjects.  

Select the subject that you want to set targets for using the drop-down menu.  SOLAR will then display all the pupils in the class for the selected subject.

If the Year Start displays NL+0% this means that the pupil has not been baselined in this subject and you should therefore set the baseline BEFORE you set the target (unless of course they are starting at NL+0 %.).  Please click here   for instructions on how to set a baseline in SOLAR.

In the example below SOLAR has been set for Key Stage targets.

Go to the drop-down box marked Key Stage (or Year) and start entering the target that you want to set. Once you have entered one character or letter all of the options available will be displayed.  It is recommended to enter as much information as you can to save scrolling down the whole list of options.

Select the level that you wish to set as your target and then click the Smart Fill button above. 

SOLAR will calculate the termly targets for you in a linear mode.  If you wish you can change any of the termly targets manually by clicking the drop-down box for any of the terms and select a new target.

If you are setting a target for a pupil who has joined mid-year, if the “Advanced Smart Fill” has been set by your SOLAR Administrator, you can click the drop-down button and select which term you want to set your targets from.

When you have finished setting your targets for each of the pupils required go to either the top or the bottom of the page and click Save All.

Your targets for this subject and class have now been set.

PLEASE NOTE - In calculating the %'s for targets, SOLAR looks at how many statements there are in a level and how many stars. The percentage per star changes with the number of statements.

e.g. If a level has 5 statements which is a total of 15 stars. Each star is worth 7%. Therefore, the only possible % progress is 7%, 14%, 21% etc. and this is what SOLAR will display in the drop-down box.

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