How do I set up a flightpath in an assessment framework?

 Flight Path Tab

Flight paths work for both key stage and yearly targets on SOLAR.  You can set your school for ‘yearly’ targets in Admin, Settings, Targets.
In the Flight Path Tab, you set targets for a key stage.  You set this target for a single subject in a key stage or for all subjects for the same key stage.  

Please note you must “Baseline” your pupil within the Assessment Framework and Subject in Assessment for the flight path/progression to work. SOLAR needs to know where they started the year.  SOLAR will automatically calculate which year they are in within the key stage in order to set their target correctly. Click here for more information on Baselines

Please note: Flight Paths will only work for DfE recognised key stages. i.e. Key Stage 1 – Key Stage 5.   For Key Stage 5 SOLAR defaults to 2 years, however, you can change this to 3 years. Please click here  for more information.

To set a flight path go to Admin>Assessment Frameworks and click on the assessment framework that you want to set the flight path for. Note:- You can only select whole levels for a flight path.

Select a key stage and subject.  In the example below, I have selected Early Years, Art.

For each of the starting levels select your ending level from the drop-down box. For example, you may wish to set 2 levels of progress for each level in the key stage, however flightpath can be set also be set as a percentage rather than a full level.

When you have set your ending level for each of the starting levels you have 2 options.
If you select ‘Create Termly Targets’ SOLAR will automatically fill the termly targets in for each pupil in the subject and key stage.  If you do not select this option SOLAR will only complete the end of year/key stage target for you and you will need to go into each pupil’s record and select ‘smart-fill’ to complete their termly targets. 

If you select ‘Apply To All Subjects’ SOLAR will create the same flight path for all the subjects in the assessment framework and key stage that you have selected. 

Click ‘Submit’ to save your flight path. Note if your assessment framework has subjects with different level set ups e.g. Maths P1 – P8, English P3 – P9 this feature may not work properly.

You should complete the above for all the key stages in the assessment framework.
Note 1: If the pupil does not have a key stage start on SOLAR e.g. they joined in the second year of a key stage, SOLAR will look at where they were at the beginning of the second year (their baseline), where they need to be at the end of the last year of the key stage and calculate where they would probably have been at the beginning of year 1 of the key stage. 

Note 2: If a pupil has had targets set BEFORE you set up a flight path these targets will NOT be overwritten by the flight path feature in SOLAR. 
Note 3: If you amend a flight path, pupils whose targets have been set using the flight path option will be updated but not those who have had their target set or amended manually. 

Note 4: You can always manually amend a target in the pupil’s progression screen.

Note 5: SOLAR will only set targets for those terms that have been entered onto SOLAR in Admin>Lists>Terms. This means that when you set new term dates on SOLAR you need to re-run your flight paths.

Note 6:  You cannot use flightpaths in a framework if you have streaming turned on.

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