How do I set up streaming?

If you have selected ‘streaming’ in the setup tab the subjects tab changes to ‘streaming’. This allows you to set targets where you have a generic level which then breaks into other subjects, which then breaks into other subjects e.g. WS Steps levels lower than P8). You would only need to work through the generic subjects once and could set a target in English Writing even though the pupils have not yet started this subject.  SOLAR will look back to see where they are e.g. English at P5 and then set the target through to English Writing. 

See below for a graphical diagram of this:-

You can only add streaming to a single framework, if you want to go across frameworks then you have to combine them together to make them into a single framework.
If you want to do this please e-mail and we will help you do this.  Please note – there may be a charge for this service depending on what is required i.e. have you already done assessment on the frameworks that you want to combine. 

Note: If you have set up streaming and you revert to non-streaming (you turn it off), SOLAR keeps all your targets but your paths will no longer work. If you turn it back on again you will need to set up the streaming path again. 

Note2: When you set up streaming levels should not overlap i.e. If English goes from P1(i) to P3(ii) and then streams into English Language and English Literature then their levels should start at P4. 


In the streaming tab you will see a list of all the subjects in the assessment framework and their start and end levels.


In the example above Mathematics – Space, Shape and Measure goes from P4 – P8 and Mathematics – Geometry – Measure goes from P9 – P14. 

Before Mathematics – Space Shape and Measure is Generic, so you would select “Generic” in the follows box for this subject and before Mathematics – Geometry – Measure you would select Mathematics – Space, Shape and Measure.


 Click SUBMIT when you have finished setting up your streaming.

Note: If you are using streaming in an assessment framework you cannot also use flightpaths.

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