How do I edit statements in an assessment framework?

 Statements Tab
In the Statements Tab you can add, amend and delete statements (that do not contain data) and set KPI indicators.  

Click on the subject: -

Choose the Level by clicking down arrow -

 All the statements in that level will be displayed.  You can then add, edit or delete a statement (that does not contain data), re-order the statements or set a KPI by using the Edit button.

If you mark a statement as a KPI (Key Performance Indicator) SOLAR will still allow you to work across levels but it will not move a pupil onto the next level until the KPI statement/s have been completed.  We recommend adding the letters KPI to the beginning of the statement to allow teachers to understand which statements are KPI's.  This also allows administrators to also understand which ones have been marked as a KPI for future amendment.
Please note if you delete a statement in an assessment framework that does not contain assessment data you will then need to amend the order or the remaining statements so that they remain sequential to do this simply drag and drop the statements into your required order using the hand icon and the press F5 on your key board or refresh the page. SOLAR will then correct the order.

Please note if you wish to delete a statement in an assessment framework that already holds assessment data against it please email and they will make you aware of the impact your data before deleting.

If you add a statement in an assessment framework and have already done assessment, then this will have an impact on any baselines that you have done and also any % level completed for your pupils.
i.e. if you have baselined pupil at P4 and then later add another statement in P4 the pupil will no longer have a 100% baseline.  You will need to clear the baseline and then re-baseline the pupil.  Please see Assessment manual on how to do this.

It may also have an impact on your reporting data.  If in doubt please contact our helpdesk for assistance.
We do NOT recommend making any changes to assessment frameworks after you have started using them. 

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