How do I change my school's Target settings?

 Target settings 

In Admin>Settings >Targets you are presented with the following options.

1. SOLAR is set for Key Stage targets. You can change this to Yearly Targets by selecting the Yearly Target option. Please click here  for more information on setting targets on SOLAR.

  1. Predictive Targeting allows SOLAR calculate pupils targets by looking at their average progression.
  2. If you would like to set your pupils targets to achieve higher than their average achieved progression you can enter the value that you want it increased by, for example 5% you would add this in the Percentage added to Predictive Target box.

4. Advanced Smartfill allows you to set a target from term 2 onwards rather than from the beginning of the year. 

5. Prediction Comment allows you to click on the subject name in progression and make a note of why you have set/changed a target.

6. Future targets allows you to set targets for the following academic year after 1st June by clicking on the Viewing Targets for box and selecting the year that you want.

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