What do I need to know before setting targets?

There are 3 areas on SOLAR where targets can be set for pupils: -

1. From the “Assessment” Screen

2.  In SOLAR’s “Progression” feature

3.   In the “Flightpath” tab in the assessment framework in Admin

The ability to set targets forms part of your user profile. If you wish to do this and do not have permission to do so please contact the SOLAR Administrator in your school. In SOLAR only Administrators can set “Flight Paths”.

In SOLAR, Admin>Settings>Progression your SOLAR Administrator has the ability to:-

1. Select either Key Stage or Yearly Targets for your school. 

2. Select “Advanced Smart Fill” which allows you to set targets from a specific term for pupils who join your school mid-year. 

3. Select the ability to add Prediction Comments to any manually set targets.

4. Select the ability to set Future Targets after 1st August for the following academic year.

There is a setting in Admin>Settings> Assessment which allows a school to move year 14 pupils from key stage 6 to key stage 5. Click here for more information.

Getting Started

Before you start using an assessment framework and/or set targets in SOLAR you need to baseline your pupils to let SOLAR know their starting point at the beginning of the academic year so that it can then calculate progress made for each term and academic year. 

When targets are set in SOLAR the colours for each pupil’s progress on the assessment screen changes colour depending on how they are doing against their targets. This allows you to see at a glance whether your pupil is below target, on target or above target. When the colour changes will depend on the percentages your administrator has used. 

Go to next article Colour Coding