Why is my pupil showing NL+ when they are working at a higher level?

Correcting Levels/ Baselines

SOLAR needs a baseline to assess the starting point of a pupil in an assessment framework/subject at the beginning of the academic year.  If a baseline has not been set or the teacher has incorrectly used the complete level button the pupil will show as NL.

If this is the case you will need to look for any missing baselines and set them. 

N.B. SOLAR baselines at a complete level.  When you use the baseline button it marks all the stars as completed as at 30th August (start of the academic year) for that level.  If there is any assessment already entered in the level you are baselining at this will remain.

You can baseline for the current or previous academic year by selecting the year in the drop-down box. Click edit next to the level you want to baseline and the baseline button will appear. Depending on the permissions for your User Group you may also see the Clear Level and Complete Level Button.  If this is not the case you will need to speak to your SOLAR Administrator for assistance.

IMPORTANT - If the user has previously used the complete level button in error they MUST clear the level first before baselining.  In they have baselined at an incorrect level they MUST clear the baseline before re-baselining

More information about baselining can be found here

The levels report on SOLAR will show you the percentage a pupil has completed in each level with the baseline underlined.