How do I use the reports on SOLAR?


There are a number of reports that can be produced by SOLAR which provide schools with information on pupils’ progress etc

This feature can be turned on and turned off for individual users. If you do not see this option in your menu on SOLAR, please contact your SOLAR administrator to have it turned on. Which reports you can access is also determined by your SOLAR Administrator.

The reports on SOLAR have been split into the following categories:

  • Progress Reports
  • Comparison Reports
  • IEP Reports
  • Behaviour Reports
  • Pupil Information Reports

The Wizard

The reporting feature in SOLAR works on a “wizard”. The options are slightly different depending on the report that you are generating but in all cases the principle is the same.

You can generate reports for: -

Individual Pupils

Group of Pupils All Pupils

And include Archived Pupils

Individual Pupil

Check the box Individual Pupil and you are presented with the option to select the pupils that you want to generate the report for. Start typing in the name of the pupil that you want to add into your report. When you have typed in 3 letters SOLAR will give you the pupils whose names match your input. Select the pupil from the list. You can add as many individual pupils as you require.

Group of Pupils

Check the box “Group of Pupils” and you are presented with a mix and match option. Any custom fields that have been created in the Pupil area of SOLAR will also come up as an option.

For example, you can generate a report of all the Males in Key Stage 1 with ASD by checking these options.

You also have the option to run a report which excludes certain groups of pupils by checking the Exclude Box.

At the bottom of the page you also get the option to Include Archived Pupils.

All Pupils

You can run a report for all the pupils in your school by selecting “All Pupils” and you can also include archived pupils.

Choose Subjects

SOLAR now gives you the option to select either the Assessment Framework that you want to run your report for or individual subjects within that framework.

If you check the box next to the Assessment Framework the report will include all the subjects.

If you click the blue down arrow next to the subject SOLAR will bring up all the subjects within the framework and you can select just the ones you want e.g. all the literacy subjects Click Next

NOTEDue to the amount of data and the way the reporting works in SOLAR you can only select one assessment framework at a time.

Report Options

Depending on which report you have chosen in SOLAR will now depend on what options are available. Here are some of the options available.

  • You can generate a report by year and select the academic year/years you require
  • You can generate a report for a specific date
  • You can display the results Termly or Yearly
  • You can include Year Start Levels
  • You can include Predictions 
  • You can output On Screen, Excel Download, PDF Download
  • You can generate a report for a specific term
  • You can include a Global Benchmark (Group Attainment Report Only)
  • You can “Focus” the report (Incidents Report Only)
  • When you have selected your options click 

    Go to next article Report Types