How do I change my school's assessment settings?

In Admin>Settings>Assessment you will be presented with the following screen: -

Complete Preceding Stars 

When a user adds assessment to SOLAR they would complete the first star, then the second star etc.  If you select this option, when a user enters assessment onto SOLAR, for example, the 3rd star, and clicks the complete button if they have not completed the first 2 stars when they click save they will get the following message:- 

Select Yes to complete the preceding stars, No will complete only the selected star and Cancel will take them back to the star card. 


Within Assessment on SOLAR if a pupil has a target set SOLAR colour codes the pupil within the class to allow a teacher to see immediately if they are above target (Blue), on target (Green), below target (Amber), Way below target (Red) or whether a target has not been set for them (White). 

Please see screenshot below for an example of this: -

The point at which the colour changes depends on the thresholds that your school has set.  Please click here  for more information on Colour Coding.

Allow a Date Range for Evidence 

When producing a level or subject evidence file if this option is selected the user will have the option to select between dates as well as all data. 

Allow the Completion of Multiple Statements 

If this option is selected this allows Users to complete multiple statements at one time. This also needs to be turned on in Permissions.

Move year 14 from Key Stage 6 to Key Stage 5 

This allows a school to change the number of years in Key Stage 5 from 2 to 3. Please click here for more information.

Don’t forget to click save if you make any changes.

Turn RAG colour coding off.

This switches of the RAG colour coding on the Assessment Screen 

Hover over evidence to display date/term file uploaded.

When this switch is turned on you can hover over evidence or files that have been uploaded on the Assessment Screen and the term it was entered will display to provide you with an overview to see if more evidence is required without opening up the Star Card.

This feature can also be used in conjunction with the Pupil Assessment Screen Report when viewed on screen

Turn off backfill message

Once this switch is turned on you will no longer receive the backfill pop-up message when completing assessment

Allow select multiple stars by Star Name 

When this setting is switched on it allows you to complete all of the Emerging, Developing or Secure stars in one go.

Click on the Star Name that you would like to complete all of the stars for.

Then click 'Complete Statements'

You can also amend the date if required.

Allow Multiple Selection of Stars

When this feature is turned on you can use the right button on your mouse to click and highlight stars at random.

When you have finished selecting the stars then click 'Complete Stars' and amend the date if required.***Please note*** This feature can only be used in a pupil's current level.

Uncomplete Stars

Using the function

On the assessment screen use the right button on your mouse to select the completed star/s that you wish to change back to uncompleted. Note: As soon as you have clicked on the star to uncomplete it will save your change .You will also see a box appear that says 'Refresh page after Uncompletes. If you wish to stay on the same page click this button. 

Go to next article Progression Settings